Totally Social ASD provides a variety of individualized
services and supports
for adults 18+ with higher functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome (hfASD) in the community setting.
These services and supports enhance a person on the spectrum's overall
LIFE and Work Employability Skills through:
Family ASD Education and Training
1:1 ASD Life/Job Coach
Men's Social Groups
Women's Social Groups
Business Employee's ASD Education and Training
Consider Building Up One's
Gifts and Talents while Working on a Few ASD Challenges!
As listed on the home page, Dr. Tony Attwood’s "Key Points" are a very clear reminder of the neurological and social communication challenges for a person with hfASD/Asperger's Syndrome.
On-going research continues to help families see and interpret how a person with hfASD/Asperger Syndrome
"sees and interprets" the world around him!
With ASD Education and Training, the family can assist in developing and implementing an effective ASD intervention plan. The ASD education, training and plan can be so rewarding for everyone involved. The adult with hfASD will benefit as he/she needs to have the opportunity to be taught and practice social communication skills that everyone else acquires naturally while enhancing his/her Gifts and Talents.
for adults 18+ with higher functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome (hfASD) in the community setting.
These services and supports enhance a person on the spectrum's overall
LIFE and Work Employability Skills through:
Family ASD Education and Training
1:1 ASD Life/Job Coach
Men's Social Groups
Women's Social Groups
Business Employee's ASD Education and Training
Consider Building Up One's
Gifts and Talents while Working on a Few ASD Challenges!
As listed on the home page, Dr. Tony Attwood’s "Key Points" are a very clear reminder of the neurological and social communication challenges for a person with hfASD/Asperger's Syndrome.
- Referencing and interpreting social communication
- Recognizing the most basic non-verbal and verbal communication cues
- Inferring what others could be thinking in a particular situation
- Taking on another person’s perspective
Some of the neurological challenges can be very stressful
for one or more of the family unit members
Is there a lack of ASD education and training as a family unit to include effective ASD interventions and strategies?
On-going research continues to help families see and interpret how a person with hfASD/Asperger Syndrome
"sees and interprets" the world around him!
With ASD Education and Training, the family can assist in developing and implementing an effective ASD intervention plan. The ASD education, training and plan can be so rewarding for everyone involved. The adult with hfASD will benefit as he/she needs to have the opportunity to be taught and practice social communication skills that everyone else acquires naturally while enhancing his/her Gifts and Talents.
Every TSASD Service must begin with an Initial Contact Procedure
Please register through this website.
One of our social coaches will contact you.
Please register through this website.
One of our social coaches will contact you.
Supports and Services Available for the Adult with hfASD: