Whether you call it feeding the soul, finding joy or decompressing, outlets need to be set into place consistently just as strategies and supports need to be planned for our loved ones on the spectrum. Think about how you might actively plan time to do the things that make you feel better. We plan meals, make lists of groceries/household items we need, and have agendas for things we have to accomplish. While you are planning for your family or your job take the extra step to plan for yourself. What could you do within a week that would provide a physical, mental, spiritual, social or emotional outlet? Or all of them!?
Dedicating time and energy toward yourself or your relationship impacts the other areas of your life in a positive manner. If you play the role of a caregiver the social coaches at Totally Social have some wishes for you:
- We wish you the ability to be gentle with yourself. The phrase "live and learn" really applies to caregivers doesn't it? We learn from our mistakes. We revise when things don't go according to plan or when we realize we could have done something differently or better. Try not to be so hard on yourself.
- We wish for you to give credit where credit is due. There are so many skills to teach and reinforce. There is so much to do to better the future of those we care for. We are human and we do the best we can. Praise yourself when you have done right for your loved one. Trust your instincts and praise yourself again when they prove to lead you in the right direction.
- We wish for you to see the importance of your own happiness as it directly relates to the other facets of life. For more information and tips check out the following article by the Center for Disease Control: http://www.cdc.gov/family/specialneeds/
Happy Joy Seeking,
Coach Megan
[email protected]